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Using Webhooks in Aria Operations for Logs (8.18)

Aug 7, 2024

2 min read




Recently, I was working with a client who wanted to use webhooks Aria Operations for Logs to send alerts to a remote site (This is similar to a blog recently written by Brock Peterson in which he describes using Webhooks for Slack). There are two parts to this effort:

  1. Creating a webhook

  2. Creating an alert to trigger the webhook

Creating a Webhook

From the left hand navigation panel, go into Configuration > Webhooks > + New Webhook

You will haveto provide a name, select custom for the endpoint name and provide it with a webhook URL. I found the website: to be great place to send test webhooks. It's free and they dont require you to provide any user data!

Just copy the Unque URL they give you into the Aria Webhook URL field!

From Aria Operations for Logs we can further edit the webhook by adding in basic authentication, headers, and modifying the overall payload.

You'll notice that there are quite a few variables that are in the payload. These variables are pulled over from the triggering alert.

There is a "test" button to the right of the webhook url that will send a test webhook!

(Remember to save before going to the next step)

Creating an alert to trigger the webhook

Navigate from the left panel to Alerts > Alert Definitions > Create New

Provide name, desciption, log criteria for triggering the alert, intervals, grouping, and lastly but most importantly for this usecase select the webhook you created

Bonus information: you can add variables into the alert title!!

For example:

Alert for ${hostname} VPXA Logs will provide the hostname for which the logs triggered the alert.

There is a "send test alert" button at the top right that will send a test alert all the way through to the webhook endpoint!

Useful documentation:

Configuring a Webhook:

Defining an Alert:

Hope this helps!

Aug 7, 2024

2 min read





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